Tribe Chief = High APY + Additional Berries
120 %
Staking Period
360 Days
1, 000
EST. Earnings
60 %
EST. Earnings
360 Days
EST. Earnings
- What is MAMMOTH?Mammoth is A WEB3 DAO built on Port3 Network Layer2. As the most active user community in the Port3-L2 ecosystem, MAMMOTH provides users with a variety of crypto services and products.
- What are the roles in MAMMOTH?There are two roles in MAMMOTH: MOT and Tribe Chief. User can become a MOT by staking $USDT or $PORT3, or create a tribe and become a Tribe Chief to receive higher earnings.
- Where does MAMMOTH revenue come from?MAMMOTH is one of the first staking nodes of Port3 Network Layer2. The 8% staking rewards and additional rewards obtained by MAMMOTH in Port3 Network will be distributed to MAMMOTH users.
- How to become a Tribe Chief?There are two ways to become MAMMOTH Tribe Chief:
1. Buy Mammoth NFT and stake 20,000 $USDT to create your own tribe and become the Tribe Chief;
2. Buy Mammoth NFT and expand the staking scale of the tribe. When the total staking amount of the tribe reaches a certain threshold, the mmUSD can be used to redeem the Tribe Chief status.